ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

Other Resources Catalog

From ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox
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The mission of the Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) is to improve the condition and safety of dams and lower the risk of dam failures through education, support for state dam safety programs, and fostering a unified dam safety community. In addition to the Dam Safety Toolbox website, other ASDSO online resources that support this mission include:

Other professional organizations and private corporations that support dam safety and provide additional technical guidance and documentation on the topic at cost include:

The following table summarizes additional resources that are referenced on this website. These documents are not as thoroughly vetted as those summarized on the Best Practices Resources page, but are still valuable resources for dam safety professionals. Examples include guidance documents and tools developed by state dam safety agencies, landmark technical papers, and academic research supporting the broad spectrum of dam safety topics.

Publisher Author Title Date
ASDSO France, John Seepage Collection and Control Systems: The Devil is in the Details 2004
ASDSO ASDSO Summary of State Laws and Regulations on Dam Safety 2020
FL DEP FL DEP Emergency Action Plan Template for Florida Dams 2023
FL DEP FL DEP Emergency Action Plan Template for Florida Dams Instruction Manual 2023
MT DNRC Gannett Fleming / GeoEngineers Dam Modeling Communication Fact Sheet: Pre-Analysis Communication Best Practices 2024
MT DNRC Gannett Fleming / GeoEngineers Dam Modeling Communication Fact Sheet: Post-Analysis Communication Best Practices 2025
MT DNRC Gannett Fleming Dam Owner Emergency Intervention Toolbox 2016
Utah State University Anderson, Ricky Piano Key Weir Head Discharge Relationships, Thesis by Ricky Anderson 2011
Utah State University Crookston, Brian Labyrinth Weirs, Dissertation by Brian Crookston 2010