ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

Ogee Crest Weirs

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The ogee crested weir is a hydraulic structure featuring a distinctive S-shaped crest combined with vertical sidewalls. This specialized design enables precise control over water flow while maintaining stability and minimizing turbulence. By adjusting the height of the weir crest, engineers can regulate discharge rates and ensure desired water levels upstream. The smooth, curved shape of the ogee crested weir optimizes flow transition, reducing energy losses and minimizing the risk of erosion. With its efficient flow control and versatility, this type of weir is widely used in various water management systems, including dams, spillways, and flow measurement devices. Many agencies provide design information for ogee crest weirs.

Best Practices Resources

Design of Small Dams, United States Bureau of Reclamation

Hydraulic Design of Spillways (EM 1110-2-1603), United States Army Corps of Engineers