Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams (Ch. 1: General Design Standards)
The United States Bureau of Reclamation, 2011

The Bureau of Reclamation design standards present technical requirements and processes to enable design professionals to prepare design documents and reports necessary to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public. Compliance with these design standards assists in the development and improvement of Reclamation facilities in a way that protects the public's health, safety, and welfare; recognizes needs of all stakeholders; and achieves lasting value and functionality necessary for Reclamation facilities. Responsible designers accomplish this goal through compliance with these design standards and all other applicable technical codes, as well as incorporation of the stakeholders’ vision and values, that are then reflected in the constructed facilities. The purpose of this chapter is to present general concepts of embankment dam design in order to give the designer some broad background to use as a basis during the embankment dam design process, including remedial measures for existing embankment dams with known deficiencies.
Revision ID: 5960
Revision Date: 12/17/2022