ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

Conduit Outlet Expansion Examples

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Message: Conduit Outlet Expansions are simple structures but the downstream channel should be armored.

The conduit outlet expansion structure reduces eddies and turbulence that are typically associated with a sudden expansion and provides protection for the toe of the dam and the channel side-slopes in this transition zone.


Tailwater Depth The effectiveness of the conduit outlet expansion can be greatly increased by ensuring adequate tailwater. The tailwater may be maintained with either a downstream weir or an appropriately configured downstream channel.

Downstream Channel Protection Typically, it is necessary to provide some form of channel protection downstream from the conduit outlet expansion.

Tailwater Depth The length necessary to prevent excessive scour without a downstream stilling basin is a function of the Froude number, tailwater depth, and conduit diameter.

Note: The content on this page was originally created as part of (DOWL, 2018). It has subsequently been updated and reformatted as part of the Dam Safety Toolbox.
Revision ID: 4760
Revision Date: 12/02/2022