ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

Guidelines for Creating a Topic Page

From ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox
Revision as of 00:04, 23 December 2022 by Grichards (talk | contribs)
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Topic Pages introduce a topic by providing relevant background information and peer-reviewed guidance that follows identified Best Practices Resources and are generally between 100 and 500 words in length. The purpose of these pages is not to document every formula and procedure relating to a topic, but rather to give an overview of the topic and point the user to best practices resources where the topic is addressed in a more comprehensive manner.

Where appropriate, headings should be included to organize and distinguish between subsections of a single topic page. If more than five subsections are needed to convey the information for a single topic page, the creation of new subtopic pages for each of the subsections should be considered. This will help keep topic pages concise and focused, thereby increasing the ability to link between subtopic pages and reducing the potential for redundancies in content.

Naming a New Topic Page

Care should be taken when naming a new topic page. Avoid simplistic titles or terms that can mean multiple things or apply to multiple disciplines. Rather, names of topic pages should be as specific as possible. For example, if creating a page about the design of relief wells, the page should be called "Design of Relief Wells." If it was simply called "Design", this generic page title may inadvertently auto-link to other pages on the website where the term "design" is used but a link to the very specific topic of relief wells is not appropriate.

Typical Topic Page Content

  1. Topic title (this item is included in the title of the page)
  2. Introductory paragraph (and image if provided)
  3. List of links to pages on related subtopics or Sections with Guidance on Related Subtopics (when content for related subtopics is short or limited). When content for sections with guidance on related subtopics is added, consider moving the content for these sections to their own subtopic page to prevent the parent topic page from becoming too expansive.
    • Click here for help with creating internal and external links
  4. List of examples that illustrate the concepts explained in the previous section(s). These can be links to content on other websites such as ASDSO's, news articles, videos, etc.
  5. List of Best Practices Resources that are applicable to the topic described and whose content may have been used in the creation of the previous sections.
  6. List of Trainings that are applicable to the topic such as webinars, presentations, etc. and consist of more than just cursory or introductory information on the topic (if applicable).
  7. List of citations (if any) used in the previous sections. Click here for guidance on using the Citations Template.
    • Click here for guidance on using the Citations Template

New Topic Page Template Code

<!-- Delete any sections that are not necessary to your topic. Add pictures/sections as needed -->

<!-- Remove Table of Contents from page -->

<!-- Add Category to drive breadcrumb menus -->
[[Category:<!-- Insert parent category here -->]]

<!-- Add link break between breadcrumbs and page content -->

<!-- Insert image using {{Picture}} template -->
<!-- Add image file name (ex.image.jpg) -->
<!--Add link if applicable -->
<!-- Add picture caption -->

<!-- Introductory paragraph or topic page summary -->
Paragraph text

== Heading Title ==
Paragraph text

== Examples ==
{{Website Icon}} <!-- Internal Link Format --> [[Page Name | Internal Link Text]]
{{Website Icon}} <!-- External Link Format --> [External-Link Displayed-Text]
{{Video Icon}} <!-- Internal Link Format --> [[Page Name | Internal Link Text]]
{{Video Icon}} <!-- External Link Format --> [External-Link Displayed-Text]

== Best Practices Resources ==
{{Document Icon}} [[Page Name | Title, Author, Publication Date]]

== Trainings ==
{{Website Icon}} <!-- Internal Link Format --> [[Page Name | Internal Link Text]]
{{Website Icon}} <!-- External Link Format --> [External-Link Displayed-Text]
{{Video Icon}} <!-- Internal Link Format --> [[Page Name | Internal Link Text]]
{{Video Icon}} <!-- External Link Format --> [External-Link Displayed-Text]

<!-- In the location of an in text citation, simply enclose the citation as follows: <ref name="[reference name]"> citation </ref>. Additional citations for the same source use <ref name="[reference name]"/> at the end of the citation. Citations will automatically populate. Learn more at the Guidelines for Inserting a Citation page or visit -->

<!-- Revision history information -->

Revision ID: 6281
Revision Date: 12/23/2022